Monday, 4 June 2012

June 4 1896 - A Red Letter Day in Ford History

Henry Ford in the Original Quadricycle. New York 1906

 Henry Ford Had worked on the Quadricycle in his off time from his job at Detroit Edison.  Ford's Co-worker and friend ed "Spider" Huff also played a large role in the creation of this ride. Many nights were spent with Ford's wife Clara in the converted coal shed toiling on this new car.

The car still exists and is under glass at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.

Chickasha Pre-War Swap Meet 2012

Getting back in the mood to update this blog!  The editorial staff of Vintage Ford facts attended the Chickasha Meet in Oklahoma this March.  First time I ever attended and I will be back!

Here's a few selected views of Ford and Ford goodies at Chickasha. Will likely post more photos in a subsequent post.

Nice selection of Model A Fenders. A few of these went home with me for my projects.

mid 30s Ford Porcelain sign

1933 or 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan

Part of the NOS haul that came back to Florida with me.

Nice 26-7 T Sedan

Rare original Ford filmstrips!

1935 Ford Phaeton

Have any of these laying around?

Looking for issues of Model A News, The Restorer, Vintage Ford, and V-8 Times to complete my collections. Doesn't matter if you have one or 1000, as I trade duplicate issues with others who are trying to build complete sets.

If you have extras of these or have some laying around that you don't know what to do with, please let me know.

I will be glad to make an offer and take them off your hands!

My email is  (Remove the hyphens and replace "at" with @)